Program Application

If you are an archery hunter with more than 5 years of archery experience and would like to apply to qualify as a hunter in one of our programs, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Minimum 5 years of archery hunting experience
  • No Hunting violations in the past 5 years
  • Certified Bowhunters Education Certificate
  • PA Game Commission hunter education course,IHEA-USA course and a NBEF/IBEF certified PAGC Certificate)
  • Background check after acceptance to program


Please fill out the form below. ALL items must be answered. If you miss a question you will be prompted to correct it. You will also have to re-enter the security code. Once you complete the form correctly you will be returned to the “Home” page.

Program Application

Note about Safety

Hunter safety is priority one and Tree Stand Decent Safety systems are required at all times. If a archer is found out not to be using this device they will suspended from hunting the rest of the season and put on a waiting list to reenter the program.

Conservation Steward

Your Stewardship is critical to the success in conserving our resources. Participating in our program requires a volunteering a minimum of  hours annua


Volunteering is a with our conservation efforts is a key to participation in our program and requires a  minimum of  eight hours annually.

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